Year 2 2024 - 2025
Welcome to the Year 2 class page.
We look forward to working with you through the year to come.
Mr McCallum, Mrs Holt and Ms Hainey
Class Saints
All classes in our school have a class saint. Our class saints in Year 2 are:
Mr McCallum - St Jude |
Mrs Holt & Ms Hainey - St Christopher |
Homework is set on Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. Homework each week will be posted on the Class Dojo page on Friday telling you what the homework is for that week. We use MyMaths for maths but we will also send home reading comprehensions.
The Class Guided Reading session will take place on a Monday. Small group reading will take place for each reading group once a week and children will change their home reading book on their small group reading day, however, please send your child’s home reading book in their book bag every day.
PE lessons are on a Wednesday with Mr Stevens. The children are to arrive at school in their PE kit and will wear it all day. It will take place outside so please ensure that children bring jogging bottoms during cold weather. They may also bring a spare pair of socks in their book bag in case they need to change after the lesson.
SpringTerm Topics
We will be inspired to write this term by some amazing books, starting with The Dragon Machine.
In History and Geography, we will learn about famous explorers such as Ibn Battuta, Christopher Columbus, and Neil Armstrong and the places they travelled to.
In Science, we will be learning about animals including humans.
Fact Files
We use fact files in school to help your child understand more about the topics covered during the school year. These contain vocabulary discovered during learning and some key facts and information about the topic. .
Our Curriculum Plan for Year 2
Click the link below to see our curriculum plan for Year 2 it is very exciting.
Meet the teacher meeting - Here are the main points from the meet the teacher meeting.
PE will be on a Wednesday. Please come to school in your PE kit.
Home reading books and reading records need to be in book bags every day. Please sign to say that your child has read their book so we know to change it.
Please come and see us if you have any concerns - we are here to help.
Long-Term Plan For English
Pathways to Write - Feature keys progression
Pathways to Write - Texts and Mastery Overview