Attendance & Punctuality

All children need to attend school for the full 190 days of the academic year in order to receive their educational entitlement and to make the most of that education. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less well in both primary and secondary school. As a school we encourage good attendance. For example, a trophy is awarded to the class that has the highest attendance each week.  The children get very excited when the winner is announced in assembly and punctual panda makes a special visit!

Punctual Panda head.png

However, children who are too ill to come to school or may pass infection to others should not attend. Please follow the NHS guidance when making a decision.  Children who have had sickness and diarrhoea are required to stay off school for 48 hours from their last episode. Any child brought back into school before this time period will be sent home. 

When children are absent from school we ask parents to inform the school office by 9.00am on the first day of absence. You will be asked to provide details as to why your child is off ill. If you do not contact school informing that your child will be absent, it is school policy to contact you. For safeguarding reasons, if we have not been able to contact you via your mobile or emergency contact numbers, it maybe necessary for a staff member to check your home address. Parents are required to phone each day of absence.  We will contact parents if we feel their child is too ill to stay at school. 

Leave of absence will be given for attendance at medical or dental appointments or for examinations in music, dance, etc. This will require an official letter or appointment card. However, where possible such appointments should be made outside of school hours.  

Leave of absence due to a family holiday during term time will not be authorised unless the reason meets the exceptional criteria (see Attendance Policy). A request for leave of absence should be made in advance and a school form completed. When the leave of absence is ‘unauthorised’ and a child incurs at least 10 consecutive unauthorised absence marks (five consecutive school days), a fixed penalty notice may be issued. The current rate is £60 per parent per child where the amount is paid within 21 days, and £120 per parent per child where the amount is paid after 21 days but before 28 days. If the fixed penalty notice remains unpaid this could lead to proceedings in the Magistrate’s Court. 

See also;

Attendance impact pictogram

Contact Us

St Werburgh & St Columba Primary School

Lightfoot Street

Tel: 01244 478968

Email: - for new enquiries

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