Holiday Dates and Statutory Test Dates
Holiday dates for the current and next year can be viewed below.
Please also see more information on school attendance and punctuality.
If you need to request special absence leave from school, please complete the request for absence form and email it back to the school office. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, any request for leave in school term time will be marked unauthorised by the Headteacher.
KS2 SATs 2025
Here are the dates when the National KS2 SATs for Year 6 children will take place in May 2025: Monday 12th - Thursday 15th May 2025
Phonics Screening Check for Year 1 children
Year 1 children will complete their phonics screening check in the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025.
Multiplication tables check for Year 4 children
Year 4 children will complete the multiplication tables check within the 2 week period starting Monday 2rd June 2025