Our Parishes.
At St Werburgh’s and St Columba’s Catholic Primary School we are lucky to have two parishes St Werburgh’s and St Columba’s. The children visit the churches with school. Many of the children are Altar Servers, sing in the choir or take part in the Children's Liturgy. We welcome our priests in to school and they frequently celebrate Mass with our school community.
Parishes and Mass times
St. Columba, Chester
Plas Newton Lane, Plas Newton, Chester. CH2 1PL
T: 01244 624019
Clergy: Rev. William Damah
Sunday Mass: (Saturday 6:30pm), 11am
St. Werburgh, Chester
Grosvenor Park Road, Chester. CH1 1QJ
T: 01244 350236
Clergy: Rev. Paul Shaw
Sunday Mass: (Saturday 6pm at Rowton Methodist Church, Moor Lane. CH3 7QW), 9am (sung), 10:45am (sung, with Children’s Liturgy), 6pm